Follow the next steps to create a new melee weapon & attack
Create a Weapon item and set its Image, Name, Description and leave Bulkable = false and ConsumeOnUse = false
Import the two required animations for the attack to the project: One for the aiming state (when the player holds left trigger) and one for the attack state (when the player presses right trigger). Make sure these animations work with the current player avatar.
Add the animation clips to the player Animator and give then a reasonable name: e.g. SwordReady, SwordAttack
Create one AnimationHandle for each animation as explained here.
Back on your WeaponData. Assign the references to your animator handles in the item data variables AimingAnim and AttackAnim.
Create a new prefab, which will contain the visuals of your new weapon and add a MeleeAttack component at the top level.
Now assign the AttackType on the Attack variable. The attack defines which Attackables this object will hit and how much damage it deals. You can create more by right clicking Project View Create/Horror Engine/AttackType
Create an empty subobject in the prefab with a HitBox component on it.
Adjust its size and center to cover the weapon and set its layer mask to Combat
Assign the HitBox object on the MeleeAttack component
Add an AudioSource at the top and optionally assign the SwipSound on the MeleeAttack component
Back on the WeaponData. Assign the new prefab on the Prefab property
Set the AttackDuration initially to be 1. This is how long the attack will be active during the swipe. You should adjust this depending on the animation. The AttackDelay indicated how long passes during the animation before the HitBox activates.
Finally, lets setup the attachment on the character. On your WeaponData, set the socket handle to one of the existing player sockets: PlayerLHand or PlayerRHand.
Go to the Character prefab and drop your WeaponData on the PlayerEquipment component. This will allow you to preview how the object looks attached to the player
Adjust position, scale and rotation to get it in the desired location.
Add the WeaponData to your character inventory to test it out.