Pressure plates can be used to trigger different events in the world, which can be used to create puzzles.

Pressure plates work along Weights, which are the objects that will interact with the plate.

To create a presure plate, simply add to your level the prefab PressurePlate, locate in HorrorEngine/Prefabs

On the pressure plate component you can adjust the amount of Weight needed to trigger this plate. This can be the combination of one or more weights placed on top of the plate.


Freely adjust or replace the visuals.

Keeping the box collider size relatively small will force the player to have to center the object on the plate. If you want to take into account the weight as soon as it is on top of the plate then make sure the box size matches the visuals’.

In order to add weight to an object. Add the prefab Weight located in HorrorEngine/Prefabs. This prefab is already setup using the right components and layers.

You can adjust the object weight value on the Weight component.
