At the moment, the engine supports classic tank movement, similar to the one featured in games such as Resident Evil or Dino Crisis, and Alternate controls, similar to the one feature in RE HD.

The player prefab needs the NavMesh to be baked in order to avoid collision with walls and dynamic objects.

To setup the scene NavMesh correctly. Make sure all static objects are marked as static and press the Bake button in your Navigation window.

The Navigation window can be opened from Window/Navigation/AI

Dynamic objects can also collide with the player navigation by adding a NavMeshObstacle component and setting it to Carve and untick CarveOnlyStationary

Walk & Run

By default the player walks and will only run when a button is pressed.

Analog Running

Another option is to change the character speed (and its animation) progressively depending on the how far the player is pressing the stick. This is called analog running.

This can be activated by ticking the tickbox AnalogRunning on the PlayerMovement component, located on the Character prefab.


Always Running

In order to have the character to always run, just make sure AnalogRunning is unticked and MovementSpeed and MovementRunSpeed. (This value has to be over the running theshold specified on the Animator Motion state in order to show a running animation)