This project uses Unity Localization package for string localization. Some previous knowledge of the package is recommended for its correct usage.
Make sure the Localization package is imported to your project in the Package Manager.
Select the included localization settings in the project. Skip this step if Unity has detected the existing settings automatically
The project is already translated into 4 pre-existing locales (languages) English, French, German and Spanish. If your list is empty, press the Add All button
Make sure the default locale has been set to your preference.
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If your game starts showing “No translation found for Key Id….”, right click on HorrorEngine/Localization folder and select Reimport
Localized text is stored in tables called Localization Tables. You can have as many as you want. For example, you can have one for your Items where all your item names and descriptions will be stored.
The project already includes 4 localization tables